What Movies and Music Teach Us About Business (& Travel)
The road back to travel
While watching a video on building a vision, the speaker suggested watching movies of superheros to see where they came from and what gave them strength and a vision that transcended pain. I thought about movies that taught me business lessons… The Founder, Office Space, Moneyball, Erin Brockovich, The Pursuit of Happyness, You’ve Got Mail, Jerry Maguire, A Few Good Men, Wolf of Wall Street, The Intern, The Devil Wears Prada. There’s a long, long list.
We get quotes like:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of good old persistence. Talent won’t. Nothing’s more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius won’t. Unrecognized genius is practically a cliche. Education won’t. Why the world is full of educated fools. Persistence and determination alone are all powerful.” — Michael Keaton — Ray Kroc, The Founder
“Walt Disney, deficiencies in concentration and hyperactive behavior. Explains everything! Saving Mr. Banks
“I’m Going To Need Those TPS Reports ASAP. So, If You Could Do That, That’d Be Great…” (Dedicated to my friends, Brian, Mike, Dustin & Steve)
MoneyBall taught us about how data beats instinct. Jerry Maguire on focus, “Show me the money!” Jack Nicholson, “You can’t handle the truth!” and then the truth finally comes out.
“Awareness is key. In the absence of information, none of us know what is happening and what could be jeopardizing our health, our water supply, and our planet.” — Erin Brockovich
“It’s 2015, are we really still critical of working moms?” Jules, Anne Hathaway on the changing workplace (and, still changing, thankfully).
“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” — Chris Gardner
“No dough, No Show.” — Lucky Day, Steve Martin, The Three Amigos, rethinking pro bono work.
“You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.” Carter Chambers, Morgan Freeman, The Bucket List
How about you? Which movies inspired you in business?
The last quote is one I replay in my brain all the time, except about travel. I hear from people pretty regularly about their travels, their experiences, their not-to-do-bucket list as reminders of past writings, speaking and consulting work I’ve done.
Then, as things go, this reminded me of travel movies. Right?
When I travel, I am all-in. Clothes packed, itinerary, plans (with mostly holes so I can meander), a book, old newspapers. And, a playlist of music and movies. My travel music playlist is, songs about travel. They remind of to pay attention as songwriters and scriptwriters so simply do.
A few years ago, I wrote a piece capturing the essence of movies:
Traveling Man — Movies, Music & Books
I’m a traveling man. I’ve Been Everywhere, Man.
I’ve been to Dollywood, Hollywood, Sea World, Disney World and Waynes World.
I’ve been to Hollywood. I’ve been to Redwood. I crossed the ocean for American Gold.
I’ve been to Bucharest, Budapest, and BuddaFest, but rarely do I get to take a rest.
When I can, I take a mancation, staycation, spacation, but never a vacation. I’ve taken plenty of fakecations and, once in a while, I take a workcation.
I’ve been to Manhattan, Manchuria, Manchester, and Isle of Man but not to Burning Man (Tamie has)
I’ve been Lost in Translation, Under the Tuscan Sun, Sideways, and spent a Midnight in Paris.
(A few times.)
I’ve been Into the Wild and Out of Africa, Up in the Air, Up in Smoke, and Down and Out in Beverly Hills.
And when I look back without a fear, Planes, Trains and Automobiles are my career
I’ve taken the Slow Boat to China and The Great Railway Bazaar
Traveled with a Tangerine and Traveled with a Tsar.
I Ate, Prayed and Loved and Roughed It
Flew West With the Night and in New York, I Danced in the Rain (although, not very well)
I traveled in a Sunburned Country and nearly Fell Off the Map but I never fell from The Dancers Lap
I took the Last Train to Istanbul but not the Last Train to Clarksville.
I write with journal curled and marvel at What a Wonderful World.
I’m On the Road Again and Homeward Bound.
© 2021, James Menge
Which movies, music and books did you find?
How about you? What movies, music and books inspired you? Which do you carry with you?
See you on the road.